Führung in den Unterirdischen Gängen Montag bis Samstag - 16.00 bis 17.00 Uhr.
Eine Teilnahme ist nur nach Anmeldung in der Touristinfo möglich. Tel.: 09922/70 99 011
Mindestteilnehmerzahl: 6 Erwachsene
Höchstteilnehmerzahl: 20 Personen
mit Nationalpark - Card: Erwachsene 5 €, Kinder ab 5 Jahre 2 €
ohne Nationalpark - Card: Erwachsene 10 €, Kinder ab 5 Jahre 4 €
mit aktivCard Bayerischer Wald: kostenlos
Treffpunkt: Vor der Stadtbücherei
Veranstalter: Stadt Zwiesel
It was the wars, marauding groups and attacks by other hostile hordes in earlier times whichmeant the population of Zwiesel had to flee into a system of caverns. Those caverns, in times of need, offered means of survival with their escape routes, hiding places and storage places. The escape caverns are therefore evidence of the history of the town of Zwiesel and show clearly the threats to its existence which the town was exposed to over many centuries.
The caverns were probably started in the late Middle Ages and gradually extended in the years which followed. Although the complete system was almost intact in the 18th century, it was filled and damaged especially through works after the 2nd World War.
After their rediscovery they were worked on for many years to restore the caverns and make
them accessible. Since summer 2007 it has been possible to visit part of the facility with a qualified guide. The tours take place on workdays during the high season at 16.00 and on Saturday evenings.